Photo canvas prints for all occasions

We can print your photos onto canvas for a truly spectacular piece of art. Perhaps you have an old photo thats in need of restoration or a child’s painting that would look great in your home or office. We can make canvas prints from any digital file or printed picture. Feel free email an image or drop in to see us.

Every image we print is treated completely individually. Firstly the image is checked to fit the required size, if not we advise accordingly with an emailed proof to show exactly how the finished canvas will look. Once approved we produce a test print of the image and adjust for colour and density as necessary. The finished image is then wrapped around the stretcher bars, taped and a hanger fitted.

We use the latest printers from Epson using high quality archival Ultrachrome inks. These provide a fantastic colour range and are rated at being lightfast in normal viewing conditions for over 70 years, exactly the same as a photograph. We print onto 340gsm heavy weight art canvas up to 44 inches wide. All canvases are stretched around 1″ deep pine stretcher bars from FSC managed forests. Or if you prefer a deeper frame, we can wrap using 2″ deep stretcher bars.

There are plenty of options for the print style. They can be colour, B&W, sepia, toned or desaturated. The edges can be wrapped with the image or you can have white or colour matched edges. Your photo can potentially be split into sections and produced onto a number of separate canvases. The most common being a Triptych, but there is no reason why you can’t do any number and format.


You can have your child’s paintings or drawing transferred onto a canvas print, or why not have a ‘text’ canvas graphic. You can design your own, or just tell us what you would like it to say and we can do the artwork for you. There are lots of opportunities to have a text canvas created, a newborn baby, a family poem, a favourite saying, a ‘big’ birthday, and a good old love message! There is no end to the design style. It can be modern, traditional, subtle, bold, colourful or totally bonkers!

If you have several favourite photos, or a selection that tells a story, there is no reason why you can’t have them all on the same canvas. They can be laid out in a number of different styles, and have text on, or a background colour or image. If you are not sure whether your idea is possible, please just pop in and see us, and we will be more than happy to advise and give you options.

Prices Include VAT


Finished Size (inches)


  • 8x8 £24.00
  • 10x10 £29.00
  • 12x12 £34.80
  • 16x16 £44.40
  • 20x20 £57.60
  • 24x24 £80.40
  • 30x30 £104.00
  • 36x36 £133.20

Finished Size (inches)


  • 10x8 £24.80
  • 12x8 £32.40
  • 16x12 £43.20
  • 20x16 £47.40
  • 24x16 £56.40
  • 20x30 £73.80
  • 24x36 £93.20
  • 32x48 £145.20

Finished Size (inches)


  • 16x8 £37.20
  • 24x8 £40.80
  • 20x10 £42.60
  • 30x10 £48.00
  • 24x12 £51.60
  • 36x12 £69.00
  • 32x16 £74.40